
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Christine Patterson and Heather Arthur” ,找到相关结果约16201条。
A Complementary Alternative Medicine Questionnaire for Young Adults
Christine Patterson and Heather Arthur
Integrative Medicine Insights , 2012,
Abstract: Limited information exists on how adolescents decide to use complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). There are also no instruments specific to CAM, for the young adult population, which makes it difficult to explore knowledge in this area. The purpose of this study was to develop and examine the psychometric properties of the CAM Questionnaire for Young Adults which measures young adults’ attitudes about CAM. Participants for this cross-sectional survey were selected from enrolled undergraduate students at an urban university. Factor analysis identified three subscales: 1) positive beliefs about CAM; 2) environmental influence; and 3) psychological comfort. The scale has good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.79) and shows beginning demonstration of validity. Its use in this sample revealed that young adults who are female and have used CAM in the past for preventing or treating illness have the most positive attitude towards CAM and the greatest likelihood for continued use. The implication that prevention may play a role in young adults’ attitudes about CAM is a potential focus for future research.
A Complementary Alternative Medicine Questionnaire for Young Adults
Christine Patterson,Heather Arthur
Integrative Medicine Insights , 2009,
A Complementary Alternative Medicine Questionnaire for Young Adults
Christine Patterson,Heather Arthur
Integrative Medicine Insights , 2009,
Abstract: Limited information exists on how adolescents decide to use complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). There are also no instruments specific to CAM, for the young adult population, which makes it difficult to explore knowledge in this area. The purpose of this study was to develop and examine the psychometric properties of the CAM Questionnaire for Young Adults which measures young adults’ attitudes about CAM. Participants for this cross-sectional survey were selected from enrolled undergraduate students at an urban university. Factor analysis identified three subscales: 1) positive beliefs about CAM; 2) environmental influence; and 3) psychological comfort. The scale has good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.79) and shows beginning demonstration of validity. Its use in this sample revealed that young adults who are female and have used CAM in the past for preventing or treating illness have the most positive attitude towards CAM and the greatest likelihood for continued use. The implication that prevention may play a role in young adults’ attitudes about CAM is a potential focus for future research.
A Model for Implementing Integrative Practice in Health Care Agencies
Chris Patterson and Heather M. Arthur
Integrative Medicine Insights , 2012,
Abstract: Over the last few years, there has been increased awareness and use of complementary/alternative therapies (CAM) in many countries without the health care infrastructure to support it. The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine referred to the combining of mainstream medical therapies and CAM as integrative medicine. The creation of integrative health care teams will definitely result in redefining roles, but more importantly in a change in how services are delivered. The purpose of this paper is to describe a model of the necessary health care agency resources to support an integrative practice model. A logic model is used to depict the findings of a review of current evidence. Logic models are designed to show relationships between the goals of a program or initiative, the resources to achieve desired outputs and the activities that lead to outcomes. The four major resource categories necessary for implementing integrative care are within the domains of a) professional and research development, b) health human resource planning, c) regulation and legislation and d) practice and management in clinical areas. It was concluded that the system outcomes from activities within these resource categories should lead to freedom of choice in health care; a culturally sensitive health care system and a broader spectrum of services for achieving public health goals.
A Model for Implementing Integrative Practice in Health Care Agencies
Chris Patterson,Heather M. Arthur
Integrative Medicine Insights , 2008,
Abstract: Over the last few years, there has been increased awareness and use of complementary/alternative therapies (CAM) in many countries without the health care infrastructure to support it. The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine referred to the combining of mainstream medical therapies and CAM as integrative medicine. The creation of integrative health care teams will definitely result in redefining roles, but more importantly in a change in how services are delivered. The purpose of this paper is to describe a model of the necessary health care agency resources to support an integrative practice model. A logic model is used to depict the findings of a review of current evidence. Logic models are designed to show relationships between the goals of a program or initiative, the resources to achieve desired outputs and the activities that lead to outcomes. The four major resource categories necessary for implementing integrative care are within the domains of a) professional and research development, b) health human resource planning, c) regulation and legislation and d) practice and management in clinical areas. It was concluded that the system outcomes from activities within these resource categories should lead to freedom of choice in health care; a culturally sensitive health care system and a broader spectrum of services for achieving public health goals.
A Distance Assisted Training Programme for Nuclear Medicine Technologists Methodology and International Experience.
Patterson, Heather.
Alasbimn Journal , 2002,
Abstract: The Distance Assisted Training Programme for Nuclear Medicine Technologists (DAT) has been developed and coordinated through Westmead Hospital, Sydney and directed under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The objective of the program is to provide primarily developing countries with teaching resources for development of technologist education and a framework for the delivery of training courses that can be adapted to best suit local need. Careful planning and development of learning materials, translation to several languages and program implementation have resulted in > 400 technologists in 24 countries currently participating in the course of study within Asia, Latin America and Africa. The development and implementation of suitable assessment techniques has provided a structure for technologists to attain a common basic standard in competencies across the regions. Graduates have better opportunities to further their education as well as contribute to improved use of advancing technologies in nuclear medicine.
The effect of humour usage on customer’s service experiences
Christine Mathies,Paul Patterson,Tung Moi Chiew
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1177/0312896218775799
Abstract: Cross-disciplinary research recognises humour as an effective communication tool for fostering engagement and positive interpersonal relationships, although inappropriate use can create negative outcomes. Drawing on positive psychology, this study aims to empirically examine the extent to which frontline employee’s (FLE’s) humour usage can influence customers’ service encounter evaluations. Findings from 252 retail service customers indicate that their sense of humour drives humour perceptions and facilitates positive encounter evaluations. In particular, FLEs’ other-directed humour, rather than self-directed humour, leads to more enjoyable interactions for customers. This effect is moderated by pre-encounter mood, in that customers react more positively to other-directed humour when they are in a bad mood. This study contributes empirical support for the importance of appropriate humour usage to the service encounter literature. From a managerial perspective, the outcomes highlight that service encounters benefit from other-directed humour. JEL Classification: M3
The complexity of prognosis communication in heart failure: Patient and cardiologists’ preferences in the outpatient clinical setting  [PDF]
Patricia H. Strachan, Heather M. Arthur, Catherine Demers, Robert J. Robson
World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases (WJCD) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/wjcd.2013.31A017

Background: The determination of prognosis in heart failure (HF) has focused primarily on the identification of potential biological and physiological markers and not on communication. High morbidity and mortality rates suggest that patients require prognostic information to assist in life planning. This study examined the preferences of both patients with HF and cardiologists for prognosis communication in the outpatient clinical setting, with the aim of guiding practitioners in undertaking prognosis conversations. Methods: Using qualitative descriptive techniques informed by a grounded theory approach, 32 patients with HF and 9 cardiologists from outpatient settings in Ontario, Canada were interviewed to identify convergent preferences for prognosis communication. Strategies to enhance methodological rigor were employed. Results: Individualized, context-specific prognosis communication between patients and cardiologists was preferred. Two main themes and ten related attributes were identified to describe convergent preferences; 1) Set the Stage for Prognosis Communication, and 2) Map the HF route. Attributes reflected the complex, dynamic, interactive and iterative nature of prognosis communication preferences. Conclusions: Prognosis communication occurs within a complex, adaptive healthcare system. While specific preferences exist, changing contextual elements within and outside of the system create conditions that require cardiologists to adjust their approach to individual patients. Patients with HF and cardiologists each have preferences that affect their willingness and ability to engage in dyadic HF-specific prognosis communication. Findings have relevance for the implementation of any efforts, including HF guidelines, aimed at improving prognosis communication. Our findings, informed by a complexity science approach, offer an innovative and robust alternative to traditional linear approaches to prognosis communication.

Consensus ranking under the exponential model
Marina Meila,Kapil Phadnis,Arthur Patterson,Jeff A. Bilmes
Computer Science , 2012,
Abstract: We analyze the generalized Mallows model, a popular exponential model over rankings. Estimating the central (or consensus) ranking from data is NP-hard. We obtain the following new results: (1) We show that search methods can estimate both the central ranking pi0 and the model parameters theta exactly. The search is n! in the worst case, but is tractable when the true distribution is concentrated around its mode; (2) We show that the generalized Mallows model is jointly exponential in (pi0; theta), and introduce the conjugate prior for this model class; (3) The sufficient statistics are the pairwise marginal probabilities that item i is preferred to item j. Preliminary experiments confirm the theoretical predictions and compare the new algorithm and existing heuristics.
Establishing Benchmarks for Helicopter EMS Patient Stabilization Times in Interfacility Transport for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention  [PDF]
Loren Brown, Annette Arthur, Claudia Keeling, Christine Yuhas, Stephen H. Thomas
International Journal of Clinical Medicine (IJCM) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ijcm.2012.37A134

Helicopter EMS (HEMS) allows for patients to be quickly transported into regional cardiac centers, often to receive primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Since PCI is a time-critical therapy, it is important that patients get to primary PCI as quickly as possible. HEMS crews’ “on-scene” times for trauma patients have been extensively studied, and recent years have seen many efforts to minimize the time required to prepare patients for transport. There has been less attention to interfacility transport “scene times” for HEMS crews at referring hospitals; this includes stabilization times for preparing cardiac patients for loading onto aircraft for HEMS transport to primary PCI. In the absence of guiding evidence, system benchmarking and quality improvement are difficult. Therefore the current study was undertaken, to assess and describe the HEMS crew “on-scene” times or “patient stabilization times” (PSTs) at referring hospitals, for interfacility transported cardiac patients flown for primary PCI. Descriptive analysis identified a PST median of 19 minutes (interquartile range 15 - 24), and univariate analyses using Kruskal-Wallis testing found no association between prolonged PST and sending unit type (Emergency Department versus other), off-hours transports, or relatively frequent (at least monthly) use of HEMS (p for all comparisons > 0.64). Outlier PSTs, defined a priori as those exceeding the median by at least a half-hour, were found in 12% of all cases. These data could be useful as a starting point for system planning and benchmarking efforts in regionalized systems of acute cardiac care.


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